Monday, July 5, 2010


I find it fascinating how our lives have phases; and how, through those phases, our opinions change with the times, depending on what part of our life we're in. When I was four, my only interest was having toy cars and my own space on the carpet to play with them. As I grew older, my interest in toy cars didn't change, instead I just was interested in more things: Games; marbles; sports. But Not girls. When I was 8 or 9, I hated girls. And every time Dad kissed Mom hello, or goodnight or just for the fun of it, I remember being so upset about the whole thing. The thought of it gave me a SIS! feeling and I am sure I complained to no end - all to their amusement. Nothing changed from their side, it's not like Dad said, 'Hey let's not kiss in front of him anymore' - Nope. They just kept on kissin!

That phase of my life didn't last long. A few months later, I too started to wonder about kissing girls. And so the story continued.

Many years later, I find myself in something of a different phase of life: Married! - to an amazing woman who I will kiss in front of anyone and everyone, including my parents. I get it now! Unlike when I was 8 years old. I get that kissin is just one of the great ways we can show affection and love. No matter what time of day, there's nothing that beats a good ol' smooch on my wife's lips.

Today however, the 5th July 2010, my parents celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. For all 28 years of my life, I am stunned by the sheer brilliance of their marriage. It has moulded and positively changed the lives of so many people. They have inspired and counselled other great marriages and all too often, I have heard very young people commenting on how they want to have a marriage like my folks.

I feel very blessed and priveleged to have grown up in a home with them. I know that many people have not experienced a fairy tale such as this but my parents example is hard to argue with. I have seen it, felt it, grown from it and been greatly inspired by it.

35 years later, I still smile at the fact that they still behave as if they were in their first year of marriage. They are still playful; jovial and amused by one another. They still show affection and consideration for each other. They still go on holiday together(they refer to these as honeymoons:)) and come back having had a great time with each other. And most important to me, they still do a lot Kissin! In front of anyone and everyone.

If I could leave married couples with one bit of advice that I have learned from my folks, it would be this. Don't Stop the Kissin!

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!!!
Much Love
God Bless!

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